
criminal defense tips

Are you facing criminal charges that could attract a hefty fine or imprisonment? A competent criminal lawyer can help to mitigate or negate the charges you are facing. Experienced Defense Lawyers understand that no criminal case is like another; they spot unique aspects of your case and use tactics to safeguard your rights and interests. Read more to find out how.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives radically; business closures, social distancing, and public health measures have all created a new normal for society. At Mitchell Law Group, we understand that going through criminal prosecution is already difficult on its own, let alone during a global health crisis. We've adapted our approach to ensure you still get the defense you need while staying safe, and we've compiled a list of tips so you can do so as well.
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One of the most common questions I get, besides, they didn't read me my rights, is whether the police have to give you a phone call. The following is my public service announcement regarding this oft-requested information.
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For most people getting arrested is not a common occurrence. What you've seen in the movies or television is likely all you have to base your expectations on. Rarely is Hollywood's portrayal of something a true-to-life depiction. So, what can you expect when you are arrested in the state of California?
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Recently enacted, The Mental Health Diversion Law (PC 1001.36) allows for alternative sentencing and treatment under special circumstances. A written motion submitted by a well-qualified attorney is routinely opposed by the prosecution. Thus, when considering defense options in a misdemeanor or felony case, it is critical to use the expertise of a Lawyer.
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When someone is arrested for a crime, they may not be able to think clearly in that moment. Most people are in a state of distress at this time. They're upset about being arrested and about the effect this is going to have on their lives and their loved ones. So, they may not necessarily remember that it's best to speak only in the presence of their lawyers. However, this is one thing that everyone should keep in mind when they are arrested for a crime.
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Being charged with a crime is a very scary and confusing time. You may or may not be guilty of the alleged crime(s). The evidence may be shaky, hard to understand, or completely false. It is also not unheard of to have additional charges tacked on in an effort to give leverage to a prosecutors plea bargaining practices. If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime, chances are you've heard the words plea deal floated around a few times and you may be wondering if a plea deal is in your best interest.
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When you're searching for a criminal lawyer, the stakes are much higher compared to shopping for everyday products and services. On the other hand, at least one part of the process is similar. You're likely to go online to find out what their website has to say. Here are some of the most important features to look for to be sure you are getting a knowledgeable and experienced attorney who will stand up for your rights.
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If you have been charged with a crime, the time between your arrest and your court date should be taken seriously. Aspects of your day-to-day life can be fair game for judges and prosecutors to review. Police and investigators will often review your posts or updates on social media. Here are three criminal defense tips that can help you avoid posting the wrong things on social media while your case is pending.
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Criminal records, like so many other pieces of paper that we need to establish ourselves in this modern world, are a matter of public record. Which means, of course, that anyone who wants to know about your criminal record can find out about it simply by running a search for it in the proper databases, or filling out the proper paperwork. Whether it's the manager at that new job you applied for, or a potential significant other who wants to know what she's getting into, your record is out there for them to find. Which is why it's a good idea for you to get a copy for yourself, so you know what it is other people are going to be seeing, and so you have it on hand for situations where it comes up.
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Just like your business requires a strategy and any task that you're trying to accomplish requires a strategy, fighting a legal case also requires a strategy. And in order to develop this strategy, you need to work in tandem with your criminal attorney. You need to sit down with them to figure out exactly how they're going to handle your case.
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When you're communicating with your criminal lawyer, you should remember that it doesn't matter whether you're innocent or guilty. The law says that everyone has a right to a defense. So you shouldn't be afraid that your lawyer is going to judge you or betray your confidence.
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You might be someone who's never had to work with a criminal lawyer before. Maybe you've never had any encounters with the law. Maybe you've never even broken a law in your lifetime. But it's possible for anyone to be accused of a crime, even if they haven't done it. And in cases like these, you'll need a criminal lawyer to help you out.
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If you are heading to court soon for criminal charges, there are a few things you should prepare in advance. While you might have your case in order and working with an attorney on strategy, it is important to put a little thought into your appearance and actions in court. Here are three tips for personal appearance and attitude during your upcoming day in criminal court.
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If you are facing criminal charges, you are probably feeling more than a little bit nervous about what is going to happen. These are a few criminal defense tips that can help you through this difficult process.
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When you have been charged with a crime, there are various legal steps that need to be followed. The state of California will issue you a lawyer, but that individual might not have enough time to dedicate to your case. This means you need to look at getting a criminal attorney on your own in order to get the necessary legal assistance.
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Do you watch the television show, "Cops?" A fan of "Criminal Minds?" If you watch crime shows, or ever witnessed an arrested yourself, you've probably seen an officer reading someone their "rights" upon being cuffed and thrown into the back of a police vehicle. But what are these rights? Why do officers have to say them? What do they mean? This article will tell you.
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The fourth amendment of the United States Constitution grants persons reasonable rights to not have themselves and their properties searched. Unlawful searches and seizures can violate a person's expectation of privacy. There are, however, several mitigating circumstances that allow law enforcement to legally search you, your residence or your vehicle without a warrant.
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If you've witnessed a crime, know a crime victim or perpetrator, or investigators are at your door because you may be a material witness to a crime in the San Joaquin Valley, you need legal representation. In this emotional upsetting time, you know both of the individuals, but nothing of their argument or dispute? Even the police chief has come to your door. No one should face criminal charges alone.
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Anytime you plead guilty to a crime in a court of law it is serious business. When you accept a plea deal, you do not go to trial but you do face an automatic conviction. Yet, plea bargaining is common and is often recommended as a criminal defense strategy.
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A research group examined known wrongful felony convictions in California over the course of 20 years and estimated that taxpayers lost roughly $282 million as a result.
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If you use the Internet, there's already information about you online and on your computer that could be used as evidence in any number of crimes. To access information on a personal computing device, law enforcement agents generally need warrants. But in the meantime, there's nothing stopping them from checking out your public online activity and what it may reveal to them.
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Mitchell Law Group, Inc.
334 W. Shaw Avenue, Suite A Fresno, CA 93704
Phone: 559-222-2424

Fresno Criminal and DUI Attorney
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Michael E. Mitchell, at the Mitchell Law Group, Inc., is one of the top DUI defense attorneys in Fresno, California. He has over a decade of experience handling DUI cases throughout the Central Valley, including in Clovis, Madera, Tulare, Visalia. He is a certified field sobriety instructor and practitioner under the standards of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and is a member of the California DUI Lawyers Association. His advice and knowledge is, routinely, sought after by other attorneys practicing in the area of DUI defense. He is an expert in the area of DUI defense in both Federal, State, and on the Appellate level. If you're looking for the best DUI Lawyer in Fresno to handle your case, give us a call today to see how we can put our knowledge to work for you.