Fresno Juvenile Defense Attorney
Don’t treat a juvenile offense lightly. Many people don’t realize the impact that a juvenile conviction can have after a minor becomes an adult. Depending upon the charge, a juvenile can end up being charged as an adult or, in the case of sex offenses, have to register as a sex offender on the Meghan’s law website for the rest of their lives. A minor may also be strapped with a prior “strike” offense under the Three Strikes Law that could follow them as an adult. That’s why it is vitally important to contact a juvenile attorney who knows what they’re doing when it comes to juvenile criminal defense.
Over a Decade of Experience Handling Juvenile Defense
Fresno juvenile defense attorney, Michael E. Mitchell, has experience defending young offenders in juvenile court who are accused of serious and violent offenses. His office is located in Fresno and represents minor’s accused of committing crimes in California’s San Joaquin Valley, including, but not limited to, Merced, Madera, Fresno, Clovis, Hanford, Tulare and Visalia.
Handling Serious Juvenile Offenses
Recently, one of the cases in which Michael E. Mitchell represented a minor received nationwide media attention and was featured on National Geographic’s “Gang Land.” In that case, Mr. Mitchell saved his juvenile client, who was charged as an adult with premeditated murder, from receiving a life sentence and negotiated a manslaughter disposition. Mr. Mitchell also has experience representing Juvenile clients who’ve been charged with sex offenses, weapon’s offenses, attempted murder, and homicide.
If your loved one is charged with a juvenile crime, don’t hesitate, don’t delay, call Michael E. Mitchell today. You can reach his office day or night at (559) 222-2424.
A Career Defense Attorney
Since his days as a “public defender,” Michael E. Mitchell has been fighting for teens and adolescents accused of crimes in Fresno County and across the Central Valley. Mr. Mitchell is known as a juvenile defense lawyer who will diligently pursue every aspect of the case to make sure his client is represented to the fullest extent possible.
The Mitchell Law Group, Inc. also provides legal services after conviction. This includes handling juvenile appeals to the appellate court if you believe the conviction was not justified and helping to expunge and seal juvenile court records.
We represent juveniles charged with misdemeanor and felony crimes in all counties throughout the Central Valley on allegations including: Murder, Attempted Murder, gang charges, sexual crimes, possession of drugs / narcotics for sale, transportation of drugs / narcotics, driving under the influence (DUI), assault and battery and many other allegations.
Don’t let your child’s future go to waste, call us today to schedule a free consultation to see how we may be able to help your son or daughter from suffering a criminal conviction. You can reach us twenty four hours a day, seven days a week at (559) 222-2424.