Fresno Sex Crime Lawyer
The consequences of being accused of a sex crime are absolutely horrendous. They include serious prison time, sex offender registration, life-long monitoring (for now) via the Meghan's law website, and the stigma that goes with being branded a sex offender. In addition, under recent legislation, anyone who is sentenced to prison for either a current or past sex crime is now assessed by psychologists to determine if they qualify as a Sexually Violent Predator, which can result in a lifetime commitment to a State Mental Hospital.
New Developments in the Law
With the passing of SB 384, California will create three new tiers of sex offenses. This will go into effect in 2021. However, it is something that all Sex Crime Defense Attorneys must consider right now. The three tiers are based upon the type of sex offense committed. For adults, tier-one classification means registration for a minimum of 10 years, juveniles for 5 years. Tier two classification is a 20 year registration period and 10 years for minors. Tier three remains lifetime sex offense registration.
Sex crimes in the State of California include all illegal sexual activity from the less serious offenses such as prostitution to the more serious crimes like rape. In California, sex offenses also include statutory rape, child molestation, date rape, sexual assaults, pornography, sodomy, indecent exposure/lewd conduct, and solicitation of a prostitute.
Sex crimes are often the most aggressively prosecuted offenses within the criminal justice system. In California and in the San Joaquin Valley, the penalties for a sex offense can be serious and life-changing. If you find that you have been charged with or accused of a sexual crime you need experienced legal counsel immediately. Experienced Fresno Attorney Michael E. Mitchell has years of criminal experience and will aggressively defend you and fight for your constitutional rights. Give us a call now to preserve your freedom and your rights, (559) 222-2424.
Sex Crimes We Defend
Rape - Having sex by force with an unwilling or unconscious person. Rape is a violent felony crime and has different variations. Rape is an extremely serious crime which depending upon how it is carried out can result in a life sentence. Mr. Mitchell has defended life sentence rape cases and rape cases involving DNA evidence.
Statutory rape- is sexual intercourse with a female who is under the age of 18 but who is older than the age of 14. Charges can be brought against you even when both parties consent to the act of sexual intercourse. Mr. Mitchell has been successful in helping clients avoid conviction for statutory rape.
Spousal rape - a person can be accused of a sex crime if one spouses forces the other spouse to have intercourse without their permission.
Date rape- is forced intercourse between two acquaintances. The fact that both parties know each other is not a defense for a date rape charge in California.
Child Molestation - a crime of a sexual nature with a child that is under 14 years of age. These crimes include both sexual assault and sexual exploitation. Mr. Mitchell has the experience you need from defending these charges in State Court.
Indecent Exposure - commonly called flashing, this is the act of deliberately exposing one's private parts for the purposes offending or annoying another person. Most people don't realize that this charge results in being placed on California's Sex Registry. At the Law Offices of Michael E. Mitchell, we've had great success getting this charge reduced and avoiding sex registration.
Child Pornography - This charge consists of either possessing or creating photographs of minors or other forms of sexually explicit material involving children for the purpose of causing sexual arousal. This includes the distribution or possession of such materials.