Contact a Top-Notch Criminal Lawyer to Combat False Child Abuse Claims
Jun 29, 2020
Due to distance learning, children are more isolated than they have ever been before. Educators and administrators are afraid, not just because of COVID-19, but because they have gone so long without seeing the children that they care so much about.
Educators have become legitimately afraid that some children are being abused at home in their long absence from school when teachers are not able to observe the kids like they normally could. Teachers not only educate their students about the world, but they keep an eye on those who give them a reason to believe that their home lives are not as supportive as they should be.
All educators are mandated reporters and must document any sign that there could be child abuse and neglected at home, even when they are not entirely sure that is the case. Sometimes the reports are correct. Other times, they are wildly inaccurate and can cause permanent damage.
Mandated Reporting Can Occasionally Cause Problems
At times, their observations are spot-on and can help identify an ongoing, or past, child abuse issue. At times they are not, which can cause serious legal problems for your family and emotional and physical upheaval for your children.
Johnny could come to class with obvious bruises all over his body that he says he received in skateboarding accidents, while Susie's injuries may be more emotional and not so tangible as she seems distressed and depressed. Did Johnny really thrash himself on the skateboard or is there physical abuse at home? Is Susie having problems at home that affect her emotions or is she just going through the normal ups and downs of being a teenager?
Usually, a teacher must report what they see in order to protect themselves from accusations of neglect and the observations can be wrong or misconstrued. Such accusations made can easily take on a life of their own.
Have you been unjustly accused of child abuse?
How Does This Happen?
If you are being investigated for child abuse, you must acquire the services of a compassionate and understanding lawyer who is experienced in this issue.
Johnny may have spent his downtime at the skatepark working very hard to successfully complete a trick on his board, but he could also have been physically abused. Susie could be going through some teenage drama that she takes to heart, but she could also be responding to abuse and neglect in the home. It's what's called a “double-edged sword.”
You can easily be accused of abuse when the mandated reporter, and the persons they report to, neglect to do their due diligence and ask the right questions of the right people.
Contact Fresno Attorney Michael E. Mitchell
Michael E. Mitchell is an excellent attorney with proven results. He works tirelessly for his California Community. Contact us, immediately, if you have been wrongfully accused of any crime, and we will build a plan to clear your name and protect your children. Your initial consultation is free and without obligation. Come in and witness our dedication for yourselves.
Category: Criminal Defense
Michael Mitchell
Michael Mitchell is a Fresno attorney who practices in the areas of DUI, personal injury & criminal law. Visit his Google+ profile.