Making a Good Impression in Court for Your DUI Defense

Feb 02, 2020

When you are charged with a DUI, you will have to work closely with a lawyer to set up your DUI defense. It's very important to make a good impression in court if you want to be acquitted of the charges or get a reduced sentence. In order to do this, you'll have to make sure that you come across as a productive member of society in front of the judge who is making the decision. Here are a few tips to help you make a good impression in court:

1. Dress Conservatively: If you're a man, then it's probably best if you wear a suit when you go to court. Make sure your hair has been recently cut and that you are either clean-shaven or your mustache/beard is well-groomed. If you're a woman, you can wear a suit or a dress with a jacket. Make sure your hair looks neat and your makeup is understated. You probably shouldn't wear too much jewelry or very bright colors either. Avoid wearing clothing that advertises drug culture, paraphernalia or rebelliousness. Most judges want to see that you are taking the process seriously and respectfully.

2. Body Language: Your body language says a lot about you. You can't be seen smiling and joking around because this would indicate that you're not taking the charges against you very seriously. Also, don't slouch back in your chair as if you're not interested in what's going on. Sit up instead. Make sure you look alert throughout the proceedings. Stand up when you're supposed to stand and sit back down at the appropriate times. These might seem like very minor things but they will ensure that you make a good impression on the judge.

3. Answering Questions: If you're put on the stand or if the judge asks you any questions, then make sure you answer them succinctly. There's no point in getting angry when you're in court as this will only count against you. During sentencing, genuine remorse for what you've done. If you come across as being sincere, that will help a great deal with your DUI defense.

If you need more tips and quality representation for a DUI/DWI criminal charge, contact our office to arrange a free consultation. The sooner you call after your arrest, the sooner we can begin protecting your rights and planning your defense.

Category: DUI Defense

Michael Mitchell

Michael Mitchell is a Fresno attorney who practices in the areas of DUI, personal injury & criminal law. Visit his Google+ profile.

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Phone: 559-222-2424

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Michael E. Mitchell, at the Mitchell Law Group, Inc., is one of the top DUI defense attorneys in Fresno, California. He has over a decade of experience handling DUI cases throughout the Central Valley, including in Clovis, Madera, Tulare, Visalia. He is a certified field sobriety instructor and practitioner under the standards of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and is a member of the California DUI Lawyers Association. His advice and knowledge is, routinely, sought after by other attorneys practicing in the area of DUI defense. He is an expert in the area of DUI defense in both Federal, State, and on the Appellate level. If you're looking for the best DUI Lawyer in Fresno to handle your case, give us a call today to see how we can put our knowledge to work for you.