

If you are facing the possibility of having a DUI charge on your record, one of the first steps you should take is contacting a DUI attorney.
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For some people, accepting a plea for a lesser charge is advantageous, particularly if the evidence against them would give them few opportunities to mount a strong defense in a court trial.
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Most people don't know that a DUI incident resulting in someone's death may lead to murder charges. People assume that vehicular or gross vehicular manslaughter are the most serious charges possible in such a situation.
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This blog article discusses some recent victories obtained by Fresno Criminal and DUI Attorney Michael E. Mitchell. We highlight some of the awesome results we've obtained for our clients in Fresno and in the surrounding counties.
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It's been all over the news here in Fresno, and perhaps it's time a Fresno criminal lawyer talks about it and gives expert interpretation. It was a tragic event that deserves to be chronicled, in a situation that is difficult for everyone involved. In late January, around 6 P.M. there was a fatal crash. A man was driving drunk in his red, Chevy minivan, ran a stop sign in which he hit one motorist, continued around the turn and as he drove down McCall, he drifted into the lane of an oncoming car. In that car were four women. All four sisters who grew up in Del Rey. Three died as a result of the crash. The fourth, the driver, in critical condition and taken to the hospital.
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Justin Bieber's recent arrest for DUI, racing and other charges raises a familiar spectacle that happens all to often when it comes to DUI related charges. Many DUI and criminal charges in general can result in terrible immigration consequences. Since Justin Bieber is a Canadian citizen on an entertainer's visa, his recent antics could end up resulting in his visa being revoked or denied if he were to reapply in the future.
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On Monday, we won another DUI case in the Fresno County Superior Court. After filing a motion to suppress based upon an unlawful stop, the Honorable Judge Dennis Peterson granted our motion. The issue at hand was that the CHP Officer saw our client come to a "skidding stop." He also heard the tires screech prior to witnessing our client's vehicle come to a rest. His reason for pulling our client over was that our client had "abruptly braked" and there was no other traffic at the time.
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Two people were arrested on suspicion of DUI in late November during a "routine" DUI checkpoint in Visalia, police reported. These checkpoints are somewhat controversial. Although everyone is in favor of public safety, a good argument can be made that checkpoints like this intrude on the privacy and civil liberties of law-abiding people, and that those costs outweigh the small public-safety benefit they usually grant.
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Fresno Drunk Driving Defense Attorney Gives Advice on DUI Defense Being stopped and arrested for drunk driving can be a frightening experience that comes with very serious legal ramifications. And with more and more checkpoints being set up around Fresno, sometimes resulting in multiple arrests, having a Fresno drunk driving defense attorney at your disposal can mean the difference between jail time and a fine.
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Mitchell Law Group, Inc.
334 W. Shaw Avenue, Suite A Fresno, CA 93704
Phone: 559-222-2424

Fresno Criminal and DUI Attorney
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Michael E. Mitchell, at the Mitchell Law Group, Inc., is one of the top DUI defense attorneys in Fresno, California. He has over a decade of experience handling DUI cases throughout the Central Valley, including in Clovis, Madera, Tulare, Visalia. He is a certified field sobriety instructor and practitioner under the standards of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and is a member of the California DUI Lawyers Association. His advice and knowledge is, routinely, sought after by other attorneys practicing in the area of DUI defense. He is an expert in the area of DUI defense in both Federal, State, and on the Appellate level. If you're looking for the best DUI Lawyer in Fresno to handle your case, give us a call today to see how we can put our knowledge to work for you.